Buns of Silver
Months ago, I ordered a few American Chinchilla rabbits from a rabbit breeder I met at a rabbit show. Yes, there is such a thing as a rabbit show. Since the breeder is from Canada, I figured she might as well bring the rabbits when she came to a show here.

The catch? Daniel and I planned to host Fall Foods FireFest that day, a celebration of tasty foods cooked over a fire. A bucket of clamshells awaited anyone who wanted to try to cook an egg in one. Senia had a bunch of white-hot rocks ready to drop into a pumpkin to make soup. Daniel made a rubble rocket stove in the backyard to cook a tasty stew, plus roast beets and veggies in the cob oven. Lucas had a whole menagerie at his camp kitchen: squirrel, raccoon, coyote, and a fresh-from-the-roadside opossum. What a menu! It didn’t leave me any time to tootle around the rabbit show.
Here is a picture of Senia with her rock-boiled pumpkin soup.

Jeff stepped up to be the rabbit transporter. He drove to the fairgrounds, picked the right rabbit breeder out of the room full of people, and brought our two gorgeous new buns back to the farm. Next spring we’ll breed them and hopefully be swimming in adorable gray bunnies. Daniel named the buck Earl Grey. The doe goes by Olive. It’s a good thing rabbits reproduce with legendary velocity; this gives an outlet for all the great names the farm camp kids come up with.

Rabbits are a great way to feed my habit of acquiring animals. There are always new rabbits on the horizon. Our pedigreed Chinchillas add a classy note to our barn, and promise us much enjoyment in the years to come. And if you need a darling baby rabbit or two, send me an email!